Updated             March 22, 2024

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Background info on George K. Staropoli, Pres.

HOA-Land Nation Within America

"Public policy today rejects constitutional government for HOAs allowing them to operate outside the law of the land. The policy makers have failed to understand that the HOA CC&Rs have crossed over the line between purely property restrictions to establishing unregulated and authoritarian private governments."


“His knowledge is sophisticated . . . [Staropoli] has been able to articulate the deficiencies and the pending bombshells contained in the Legislature’s denial of the obvious: that the HOA system is badly broken and in desperate need of an overhaul.”  

Selected posts from HOA Constitutional Government commentaries are available as audio podcasts on SPOTIFY and GOOGLE PODCASTS.  Click image below for PODCAST LINK.

Basically, the HOA legal structure and scheme is authoritarian in nature: strong central power, limited political freedoms, no accountability, and under the rule of man, not law. The authoritarian nature of HOA-Land is masked by a thorough indoctrination that presents a false picture of the real estate subdivision as democratic, inappropriately named a community, simply because the members are allowed to vote, as meaningless as it is




To answer your concerns, see the Plan FAQ.   You can view 3 videos that contain important background material on the Plan  here.

A Plan Toward Restructuring the HOA Model of Governance.  Learn now by clicking on PLAN.  DRUCKER was a leader in the development of management education, he invented the concept known as management by objectives and self-control, and he has been described as "the founder of modern management."

 SEE AZ Attorney General admits SB 1454 HOA to be invalid and without effect and court holds HOA provisions unconstitutional in 2013 lawsuit, Staropoli v State of Arizona, CV2013-009991.

Want the truth?    Read:  
1. Will the real CAI standup: its contradictory beliefs, pronouncements and goals.
2. CC&Rs are a devise for de facto HOA governments to escape constitutional government
3. Unconstitutional delegation of power to HOAs
4. HOAs violate local home rule doctrine and are outlaw governments
5. CAI manifesto: CAI?s plan for HOA-Land in America

For a down-to-earth look at the HOA legal scheme, read HOA Common Sense: rejecting private government. Download from Amazon for KINDLE.  


HOA-Land Ethics for the Board: "You can technically obey the law and still be at fault. That's ethics."

HOA member Declaration of US and State citizenship  -- Therefore, the members of the association, having not waived or surrendered their rights, freedoms, privileges and immunities as citizens of the United States under Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment, and as citizens of the state within which they reside, the CC&Rs or Declaration for any planned community, condominium association or homeowners association shall state, or be amended to comply, that,

The association hereby waives and surrenders any rights or claims it may have under law and herewith unconditionally and irrevocably agrees 1) to be bound by the US and State Constitutions, and laws of the State within which it is located, as if it were a subdivision of the state and a local public government entity, and 2) that constitutional law shall prevail as the supreme law of the land including over conflicting laws and legal doctrines of equitable servitudes.

An excellent guide for citizens seeking to effectively lobby their legislature to bring about desired change by Colorado Senate Majority Leader Morgan Carroll.  See review of Take Back Your Government.

Another  "must read" is The Social Dynamics of HOAs: Why do people harm others in HOAs.

Read how this pro-HOA public policy has accepted HOA servitude laws to be superior to constitutional law:  Legitimate Governments. See the proposed Truth in HOAs model act for use in every state. Take this important Poll on consent to be governed and surrender of your rights. AGREEMENT POLL.  92% of respondents voted NO (8/1/11). Learn more about the downside of HOAs:  The Foundations of Homeowners Associations and the New America


"If there is no penalty [for] disobedience, the resolutions or commands which pretend to be laws will, in fact, amount to nothing more than advice or recommendation."    (Alexander Hamilton, Federalist #15)

"If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary."  James Madison, The FederaliThe Federalist papers, # 51.  And even more so for private HOA governments.

"If we are to make progress, we must distinguish the concept of a planned community, which is a real estate "package" of homes, landscaping, amenities, and rules, from that of the HOA, which is the undemocratic governing body of the planned community". ... George K. Staropoli

 "CIDS [HOAs] currently engage in many activities that would be prohibited  if they were viewed  by the courts as the equivalent of local governments."  ... Privatopia, Evan McKenzie 

  "While members may vote for board members as if they were electing councilmen or legislators, the HOA is not a real democratic institution ".     ...  George K. Staropoli, cited  in Private Neighborhoods and the Transformation of Local Government, 2005


And the Land Shall Be Made Good Again  a poetic retelling of the   New America.                    

The HOA Warrior defending homeowners against associations",  wrote The Arizona Republic .

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·         Citizens for Constitutional Local Government (CCLG) believes that HOAs are independent, undemocratic, private governments operating outside the American system of government. If we are to make progress, we must distinguish the concept of a planned community, which is a real estate "package" of homes, landscaping, amenities, and rules, from that of the HOA, which is the governing body of the planned community. Only when the HOA is a truly democratic government and no longer an independent, private government will there be equality for all citizens.

Contact us at PVTGOV


"I get one email a week from homeowners", he said, "I have to tell them that under current law and statute, nonprofit corporations and HOAs have their own powers and there is no bill of rights to protect us as citizens."               . . . George K. Staropoli, Arizona Capitol Times, 3/15/02

For more information on Arizona, click on the button.

For all buyers:

For help with a problem, or for information that you should be aware of or to request from the prospective HOA, view these important pages:




While Arizona advocates won a victory, see a video on how homeowner rights advocates had to fight for this success.  See news video.     Collected Papers: Constitutionality & Legitimacy of HOAs.      See Phoenix ABC15 TV expose on Controlling HOAs (click on Controlling HOAs under Investigative Reporters).

For more: opinion (pdf)  appeals brief  (pdf)  CAI amicus brief  (pdf)  Response to CAI  (pdf).  Twin Rivers Amicus brief filed by AARP.  View homeowners' NJ Supreme Court brief (82 pages, 4.1 MB, PDF). The NJ Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the Twin Rivers appeal on Jan. 4, 2007. View history of decisions here

Read about the hidden history of planned communities, and the role of the national HOA lobbyist, Community Associations Institute (CAI), in opposing constitutional protections for homeowners.


  Collected Papers: Constitutionality & Legitimacy of HOAs

   Recommended reading for advocates and concerned Americans

     HOA Reforms to Guarantee Constitutional Protections

--  HOAs as a local government
          --  To prevent the blessings of liberty
             --  Why not local government?
             --  Why a local government entity 
--  HOAs as an unincorporated  town?

 -- The Other Phoenix Job
--  -- The presumption of constitutionality
Reform Legislation versus
De-privatization of HOAs 
-- Constitutional Protections Subverted by Nebulous Court
-- Democracy in
-- CAI Funded Book Admits HOAs are Private
-- Historical parallel on HOA conspiracy of
-- Private Government HOAs are
-- Arizona HOA Study Committee fails to meet its
-- You can be held to anything, including additional financial obligations not related to the purpose of the HOA, without your vote. Read more about California Appeals Court decision.
-- Democracy on the Brink: HOAs allowed to violate US
-- HOA vs Civil Governments
-- Open Letter to Arizona
Legislators file.
-- HOAs are Big Business
AZ Capitol Times Commentary
-- The American Dream of owning a home. You shouldn't have to live under a
private government
-- Listen to ACLU attorney and Rutgers Law professor Frank Askin speak about HOAs (10 min) -- constitutionality, adhesion contracts and effectiveness of legislative

Buyer's Guide to Living in a Community Association  brings the latest developments with homeowner rights and in community associations across the country. guide