The Case AGAINST State Protection of Homeowner Associations


Table of Contents


Introduction. Planned communities and the new social order in America  ......................................1


PART 1. The Arizona Legislature and HOA Reform Legislation


I. Initial Statement .............................................2

II. Homeowners Decl. Of Indep ........................6

III. The Role of HOA Attorneys.......................11

IV. Letter to Arizona Senators .........................17

V. HOAs Are Big Business ..............................23

VI. 2 Year Legislative Inaction Summary  ......25

VII. Where do the HOA solutions lie? ............28

VIII Three Strikes and You’re .........................30

A. Arizona foreclosure Bill levels the playing field for homeowners ..............30

B. Democracy on the Brink ..................31

C. Arizona Legislature reaffirms HOA right to abuse powerless homeowners.33



PART 2. A History of Associations


I. Community Associations:...............................38

1. CAI Admits HOAs are Private Governments .........38

2. CAI speaks on its noble purpose for a better America......................................41

3. The Emperor Has No Clothes ........45

4. An Advocate Responds ....................50

Appendix 1. An analysis of 1999 CAI Homeowner

Satisfaction" survey ..........................................53

Appendix 2. National Coalition for Homeowner Rights Survey ....................................................57


PART 3. Democracy in America: Revisited


I. The Loss of Democracy in America: ..............66

II. Common Interest Planned unities:........…....72

III. Denial of Homeowner Civil Rights Used to Obtain HOA Compliance ..................................76

IV. Will the dissolution of CC&Rs imperil the Union or  Arizona? ….........................................84

V. Arizona State Bar: a Question of Attorney Ethics.……………… …………………………..86

VI. HOA Constitutionality Issues Raised  .......93

VII. Are CC&Rs adhesion contracts good public policy? ………………………………………...106

VIII. The Case Against State Protection

of HOAs .…………………………………....... 113

A. The Issue of Private Property vs. the Bill of Rights .........................................113

B. Constitutional Rights and Restrictive Covenants …………………………….115

C. Governmental Powers of Homeowners Associations ..........................................117

D. The Question of Unconscionable Adhesion Contracts, Contract Validity and Good Public Policy  …...................119

E. Supreme Court Tests for “State Actor” Designation …........................................121

F. State Government Protection of Homeowner Associations …………….122

IX. CC&Rs and the error of the courts...........127



PART 4. The Ventana Lakes HOA Murders


I. The Ventana Lakes POA Board Murders..133

    A. Coverage of the Trial ..............................133

1. The Shooting Incident..........…......133

2. The Murder Trial.....................…...134

3. The cultural bias of the jury .........140

    B. Events leading to the Ventana Lakes


    C. HOA Media Bias and the Death     

         Penalty …………………………………..147


APPENDIX A. George K. Staropoli ...............151

APPENDIX B. Citizens Against Private Government HOAs ...........................................153

APPENDIX C. RESOURCES .........................154

